Wednesday 29 September 2010

Media lesson : Short film

In todays class I looked at a film called 'Where is the money Ronnie?' the film was only twelve minutes long and I thought that this film was very carefully planed out. It was directed by Shane Meadows. The idea was to make as if the film was set in the 1960's but really it was set in 1996. The effect they did to get the film to be shown in a way that it was set earlier was very clever in ters of the use of locations and the use of props. In the 1960's there were a lot of crime going on in England. They used that in the film and made all the comotion take place in the streets. They made sure that houses where near by so that the characters could escape by climbing into people's back gardens and I thought that that was very useful. Also England was not really a multi cultral place in the 1960's and they presented this very well in the film as I could see common white people walking around in the streets. They also showed the film in black and white to give it a feeling that it was set in the early 1960's.
I could tell that it was not set in 1996 due to the clothes that the characters where wearing. There clothes where very modern and it was and it was not the kind of clothes people would wear in those days. Moreover I noticed the cars that the people where driving. It was not the type of cars that you would see in the 1960's.
The use of camera angles to interview the convictors where carefully used. They used extreme close-ups for each of the convictors to express their feelings and emotions of the case.

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