Wednesday 22 September 2010

Possible Treatment


Mum - Alcoholic
James (Older Son) 17 years old
Brian (Younger Son) 10 years old

Background of family

Middle Class family that has a lot of problems because of the mum’s drinking issues. James has to look after Brian i.e. clothe him, make him breakfast because the mum is not fit enough to do this. James has a job as a shop assistant as Brian has to go to school by himself. The mum stays at home watching T.V drinking all day. James and Brain hates going back home because the mum is very abusive shouting and screaming at them for no apparent reason. James has to stick up for his little brother as the mum approaches to use aggressive comments towards him. James plays a role as a father as he takes Brian out for walks just to get away from the house. James sits down in his room with Brian and both talks about how life would be if they had their dad was still alive.

The scene will starts at home where we see the mum shouting at the James and Brian before they go to school. We will see the state of the living room full of Vodka bottles and clothes on the floor. James will wake up very early to hide all the bottles before his younger brother does, so that he makes his brother feel that everything is fine when really it isn’t. The state of the room will represent the family’s life, messy and full of sadness. James doesn’t want to make Brain find out that their mum is and alcoholic and tries to protect that secrete from him however there are some occasions where Brian will be asking what is wrong with their mum and why is it that she never cooks him breakfast or buys him anything and why Brian is the only one looking after him. Brian sees James helping their mum up and taking her to her bed because she is not in a fit state to be walking.

The next scene we will see James setting up breakfast for his younger brother as he is asking him questions. After that there will be utter silence as James will feel very depressed. From here we will have a sad music playing. The song will be representing how the brothers feel. The only noise we will hear is the noise of the boys eating their breakfast. We will see the facial expressions of both boys as they are getting ready for school. We will see both James and Brian leave home as they wish each other well for the day as they both separate to go different paths as James is going to work and Brain is going to school.

We will then make the focus of attention on James as he is making his journey to work. We will be able to hear his thoughts on how his life has got to where it is and why him and is brother are always his a mess. However he promises and Vows to himself that he will make his life better for him and his brother. When the brothers come home we will see the mum apologizing to James and Brain and we will see her crying that she will change her ways.

The last scene will end when the sun will rise and James looks at his little brother sleeping and then looking outside. We will also hear him say today is the day and then it will end.

I thought that ending it with a cliff-hanger is a good because it creates a lot of tension and makes the audience want to find out what is going to happen with James and his little brother.

Characters characteristics
17 year old boy and fathers his younger brother Brian who is 10 years old. James is a very reliable person and does everything in the house. Is like a father to his mum and also his brother. James works as a shop assistant to earn a little money to support his familly. James doesn't want Brian to find out that his mum is an alcholic even though he knows.

Brian is the younger brother of James. Brian knows about the problem with his mum about drinking but acts like he does'nt know what is going on. Brian goes to school by himself wondering when thingss will get better. Brian looks up to his older brother James because he is keeping the family together. Brian occasionally asks James questions about their mum even though he fully well knows what is happening.

She is an alcholic and vey agressive. She gets really agressive and abusive towards her own children. She doesn't work at all. All she does is lies on her sofa drinking vodka. At the end it is James that has to hide the bottles and carry his unconcious mum to her bed.

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