Thursday 23 September 2010

2nd Draft Treatment

Home environment

Dad aged 44
Mum aged 41
James (older brother) aged 17
Edward (younger brother) aged 10

Characters Characteristics
The mum is an 41 year old alcoholic woman and because of this it causes problems between her and her husband. The mum having drinking problems and the dad having arguments with his wife, results to her son James not being able to cope in his education and struggles to balance schoolwork, social life and looking after Edward together. Consequently all the stress and grief causes James to get himself involved in drugs. James being involved in drugs results to his younger brother getting beating up. This then resolves the family to fix up. The mum and dad divorces realising the agony that they have caused and decides to get help.

The Dad is a 44 year old man who has worked in a school as a headteacher. He and his wife has constant arguments which leads for them to get divorced. James's behaviour at school causes him to look for another job at another school. He hardly takes care of the family because he has o much to do.

James is a 17 year old boy that is stuggling a lot in life. Due to his parents arguments with each other and his mums drinkingg problems, he hasn't been able to cope with education and has behaviour problems. James has to look after his younger brother because the Dad is always busy and the mum is always drinking. James's behaviour causes him to move school where he would make new friends and settile in fine. His surroundings allows James to be influnced into taking drugs and joining a gang.

Edward is 10 years of age and is the youngest in the family. Edward is also suffering the same fate as James as he is feeling hurt because hie family is falling apart however Edward is well behaved. Inadvertantly James gets Edward in a big mess with a gang and gets beaten up.

Act 3: Edward gets beaten up by a gang. This then helps the family to decide that they need to make things right and get help.

Act 1: Mum stays at home drinking while Dad, James and Edward move to a new school to settle in.

Act2: James meets knew friends and becomes a member of a gang that deals with drugs.

Act 3: James puts drugs in Edwards bag and this leads Edward to get beaten up by the gang. The family then decides to make things right and gets help to support one another.

James (17 years old) a young teenager that was having a lot of problems at school due to the problems that he and his younger brother has to suffer at home. His mum is an alcholic which causes her to argue with his Dad all the time and both parents do not look after them, which means he is responsible for Edward and has to look after him.

James's behaviour problems gets worse in school which forces the Dad to get a job at another school. James and Edward settle in very well in the school and the environment that they are put in meanwhile the mum stays at home on the sofa drinking.

As time goes on and James gets to know the students around him and picks up a few friends. James still being naive decides to join a gang that his friends are in and gets himself involved with drugs. James hides the fact that he has met knew friends to his parents because his parents are always shouting and screaming at each other.

To hide the drugs, James puts them in Edwards bag without him knowing. James forgets to take the drugs out of Edwards bag the following morning. When James gets to school, his friends asks him where the drugs are. James then remembers that he forgot to take it out of his little brother's bag. James tells them that he forgot to take the drugs out of Edwards bag and that he would get it latter.

After school James finds his brother battered and bruised on the floor. When they reach home the mum and dad decides to divorce but get help so that they can support the family.

The moral of this story is that you should not get mixed up with bad friends because this can lead to big consequences.

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