Monday 27 September 2010

Final Treatment

TITLE: Major Movements

Home environment

Mum aged 41
James (older brother) aged 17
Edward (younger brother) aged 10

Characters Characteristics

The mum is an 41 year old alcoholic woman and because of this it causes problems between her and her family. The mum having drinking problems has lead her to become a single parent and results to her son James not being able to cope in his education and struggles to balance schoolwork, social life and looking after Edward together. Consequently all the stress and grief causes James to get himself involved in drugs. James being involved in drugs gets himself into a big mess as his younger brother gets involved.

James is a 17 year old boy that is struggling a lot in life. Due to his parent’s splitting up and his mum having drinking problems, he hasn't been able to cope with education and has behaviour problems. James has to look after his younger brother because the mum is always drinking. James's behaviour causes him to mix with people in school where his surroundings allow James to be influenced into taking drugs.

Edward is 10 years of age and is the youngest in the family. Edward is also suffering the same fate as James as he is feeling hurt because his family is falling apart however Edward is well behaved. Edward looks up to his older brother James. He thinks James is his superman and everything he does is right. Edward knows that his older brother is taking drugs but because he thinks that his older brother is doing it, he decides that he should give it a try but it doesn’t end well for him.


Act 3: Edward watches a film and then decides to takes the drugs because he thinks that if James should take it he should. He then has an overdose and collapses

Act 1:
The older brother James comes home from school with his younger brother Edward. James tells Edward to wait outside while he goes to see where the mum is. When he walks into the living room he sees the mum unconscious with the room full of vodka bottles on the floor. James then gets Edward upstairs without him seeing his mum in the state that she is in.

Act 2:
James and his friends get involved with drugs. James brings it home and takes it to school without anybody knowing

Act 3:
Edward is in the living room watching a film. Edward is thinking in his mind whether he should go and take some of the drugs. It then comes to his head that because his brother knows best he should do it too. James takes the drugs and gets an over does.

James (17 years old) a young teenager that is having a lot of problems at school due to the problems that he and his younger brother has to suffer at home. His mum is an alcoholic and this has caused her to become a single parent. However the mum is incapable of looking after her kids because she is always drunk. James has to take care of his little brother Edward and his mother. Edward idolises his brother because he takes care of him all the time. He looks up to him and goes to him whenever he has a problem. James comes home from school with Edward. James knows that his mother has been drinking and he wants to hide this from Edward. James tells Edward to stay where he is so that he can go and check up on his mum. Edward does everything that James says so he stays without asking any questions. James finds his mum unconscious with vodka bottles all over the floor. James shuts the living room door and takes James upstairs so that he doesn’t get to see her. When Edward does his homework James then goes downstairs and gets rid of all the vodka bottles that he could find on the floor and helps his mum to her room.

James’s behaviour is a big issue in school due to the problems that he faces in school. James and his friends decide to get involved in drugs. James naively thinks that if he takes the drugs everything will get better for him, so he goes ahead with it. James tries to hide the fact that he is taking drugs but unfortunately his little brother finds him taking it without him noticing.

James is sitting in the living room sofa when the thought of his older brother taking the drugs. Edward questions himself whether he should take the drugs or not. He then comes to a conclusion that James is much older and wiser than him and if he is taking the drugs then he should too. James goes to the place where James hid the drugs and Edward takes them. Edward then gets an over does and collapses.

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