Tuesday 21 September 2010

1st Draft for Treatment

My partner and I have an idea of what our short urban realist film is going to be about. We decided to make a plan for the treatment before we actually do the real one. This is because it will help us to cut out the bits that we don't need and the bits that will take up time because the short film only has to be 5 minutes long. My partner and I talked and discussed that not all of this will fit into our 5minute film, so we decided that there are some parts of it that we need to change or get taking out however we are still trying to figure out what we need to tak out.

Upper-class-white family

Loses her job consequently can’t afford to live in the house and cant afford to send their son to private school

Dad- Head teacher of private school that the son attends to
He gets offered a job as a headteacher, in north west London for more money and decided to take it. Their son will attend the school.

Son- has mild behaviour problems due to problems at home. Always been a bit boisterous and didn’t really fit in to the private school environment. Son was known as a rough person in old school.

Family move into estate, problems at home get worse. Son fits in right into new school makes friends becomes popular, still rough. Involved in drugs and crime. Makes girlfriend.

Girlfriend gets hurt because of boy and ends up in hospital- boy gives girl drugs to look after, boy tells this to one of his friends and they tell gang, that girl has drugs and she gets robbed and beaten up. Boy finds girl beaten up and unconscious calls for ambulance and calls her best friend to stay with her. Boy finds note lying next to girl. Ends in cliff-hanger of boy getting knife and finding the boy who told the gang that his girlfriend has the drugs.

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