Monday 20 September 2010

What I learnt in this lesson

In todays medai lesson we looked at an interesting film called 'The Unique Wonders of Christians Savage'. This film helped me a lot because it was taking us through how and what the key important factures are in making a film.

The first thing I learnt was Storyboard. The storyboard is one of the most important factures of making a film. You have to make sure that your storyboard and each shot is planned to perfection. Without the storyboard you will have no film. I took this into consideration and made up my decision from then what my storyline was going to be. Knowing your storyboard well and planning it early makes a huge diffence because you will not rush and you will have plenty of time to make decisions of what you need and what you do not need. In the film you can see how fluent the structure of the film was because they had planned it and stuck to what they wanted to do. This will help me when I come to make my short film because knowing my story board and becoming familiar with it will help me to know what I am doing instead of panicing and leaving things to the last minute

The second thing that the film showed us was the importance of short construction. Short construction is really crusial because this is where the camera comes into play. They discussed that the frame and size of the frame is very important and also the size off the frame. They also gave us an example of why it is very important. They said that if they had to frame a man up close it will give him the sense of superiority and power but if they had to frame him from a long view then that sense of superiority dissapears. They also talked about the landscape of which you are framing. I foiund out that the landscape is an important aspect because it is the view of the landscape that gives of a hint of what the film is going to be about. In this film they showed us the area that they were going to frame and it was a dryed up land in africa. This gives the audience the setting and the mood of the film. Lastly they showed us the camera shots are very important because it signifies the characters mood, role and characteristics. For examle a close up shot of a person shows the audience that the person is either the main character, shows the characters mood or shows the characters high postion of status. A low angle shot shows the character from below and also giving them the impression of being more powerful or dominant. A high angle shows the characters from above, i.e. the camera is angled down towards the character. This has the effect of diminishing the subject, making them appear less powerful, less significant or even submissive. The point of view shot allows the audience to see the eyes of the camera which I think is a very clever way of drawing the audience in. It allows the audience to think that they are actually there.

The next point they expressed on was Lighting effects. I learnt that the lighting is the principle task of directory. Lighting i.e highlights, texture and dark placs predicts the mood. Lighting has three main purposes. The first is clarity of image. It is important for viewers to be able to discern all the important elements in the frame. These might range from facial expressions and physical gestures to the presence of significant props. The use of "effects lighting," as it was known at the time, paved the way for the third purpose: the creation of atmosphere or emotional effect. The development of lighting technique as a significant element of mise-en-scène became an important tool for manipulating audience responses to characters and narrative events.

The important they came across was sound. They expressed that sound is essential for a film. I found out that sound adds to the emotion and also rythm of the film. Since I will have to make my own sound track for my short film I have to make sure that it is well suited for the film otherwise it will not make sense.

All this information that I got from watching this film was very important and useful to me because i can now take away what I have learnt from it and use it to make my short film very good. I will have to beware of where I would like to film because landsape is very important as it sets the scene. Moreover camera shots are very important too. These are the things that I will need to be thinking of as I am preparing to make my short film production.

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