Monday 4 October 2010

Research on Locations,Settings and Props

In todays lesson Ihave been researching on Locations. I thought that this was very important for me because it will help me to have an idea of where I should film my establishing shot. I have learnt that when you have a specific genre that you would like to film, you cannot film your establishing shot anywhere. You need to have a specific location in order for the audience to understand what kind of genre the film is going to be. My partner and I are doing a short Urban Realist film, so we did a little research on where it would be the best place to set our scene. First we took a look at an action adventure movie to see what it was that made the the setting very unique in terms of knowing what kind of genreit was without even knowing the film.

I learnt that props has a huge part to play in terms of knowing what the genre is. In the action adventure movie setting I saw a man dressed in blak leather with a cowboy hat on looking at a snake. I learnt that the black leather signifies hardness and the type of hat that was used in it signifies a typical America Western man. His features where very physical and manly as I saw a lot of facial hair on him. The props of snake signifies danger and the man was looking straight at the snake. There was also a bit of flames in the background which also gave tension and give the sense of an action adventure film.

My partner and I looked at different types of urban realist films to see where they set the location. I have learnt that locations are planned and carefully thought out. The first urban realist film I saw was Kidulthood. Kidulthood is set in a school playground where you see medium shots of kids hanging about in the playground. This is a typical Urban Realist setting. The props are very essential. I noticed that the kids are wearing school uniform which already tells the audience that they are in a school. The second film I watched was bulletboy. Bullet boys establishing shot is in a jail where you see a man coming out of it. The camera uses a medium shot of the man walkin out of the cell. the clothes that he was wearing can also show the audience that the film is going to be an Urban Realist Film. The manwas wearing a grey hooded top with grey tracksuit bottoms. These clothes signifies street boys.

I went on google and looked at council estates because normally these are wear Urban Realist films are taking place or we get to see them during the film. For example Kidulthood. There were a lot of council estates that I saw during the film. Location is something that my partner and I have to be thinking about when we come to shoot our short film.

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