Monday 20 September 2010

For my short Film production I have decided that I am going to do an Urban Realist Film. I will be working with a partner who is going to help me make this film successful. We decided together that Urban Realist was the genre for the both of us. We came to an agreement due to the research that we have both done about genres that we can relate more and we feel comfortable with doing an Urban Realist Film. After we discussed about what genre we were going to do the next thing was to make a treatment or a storyboard of our short film. We had to take all the information that we have researched on Urban Realism films and follow they key codes and conventions of the genre and make sure that our storyboard is good enough and will take up the 5minutes that we have for the film. My partner and I had to come up with a solid storyboard that will attract the audience and if all of it was going to fit into the 5minute film but for now we have an idea of what we want to do.

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