Thursday 16 September 2010

What type of genre do you prefer?

Horror 13 Sci-Fi 6 Comedy 2 Documentary 3 Urban Realist 26

From this questionaire I came up some results that will help me with my production of the short films. I asked 50 of my target audience what kind of genre they would prefer to see and these are the answers I collected. On top of the graph are how many people chose the genres. So out of 50 people 13 said that they would like to see a horror film. I thought that this was a good idea but the short film has to be only 5 minutes. I thought that if I had to do a horror then it will go over 5 minutes. 6 people chose Sci-Fi, 3 people chose comedy, 2 people chose documentary and a msive 26 people chose Urban realist. I had a streong feeling about doing an urban realist short film and the majority of people would like to see this. This information is really helpful as it helps me to make up my mind of what kind of genre I am going to choose. For the people that picked Urban realist, the next question I asked was why they would want to see an urban realist film. The feedback that i got was that they thought it was interesting to see how they stereotype people an the things they do. They said that Media has corrupted corrupted people's minds so much that when they see it on films the audience tend to think that what they are seeing is true. For me I thought it was very interesting because what happens in the real
world today does get exaggerated a lot in a stereotypical way for example gangs, crime, pregnancies etc. All these things that happen today do get exaggerated and people find this very interesting to watch because they can relate to it easily.
I made a graph of the results I got and as you can see more than half chose Urban realist and only 4% chose comedy which was suprising for me because i though a lot of people liked comedy.

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