Monday 13 September 2010

Research On Different Genres

During this project, I will have to come up with a genre for the short film that I will be creating. Since I haven't made up my mind of what genre I am going to pick I thought that doing a little research and watching different kind of short films will help me to decide what kind of genre I am going to pick. There are 4 types of genres that I am in between about because I have watched several clips of each and I think that they are all appropriate for me to work with. They are a documentary, Sci -Fi, Urban Realist and comedy. I would say that the least likely I would like to do out of those 4 genres is comedy becasue for me I think it would be the hardest for me to do whereas the most likely genre I would go for is Urban Realist simply because I am a teenager and I know a lot about what teenagers do. So I thought that it would be easier for me to do a short film about teenagers and what they do in todays world. It would also be good because I could put stereotypes in the short film. I went ahead and took a look at a few short films from youtube and judged them to see if it is something that I would do. The first short film I watched was called 'Is she or isn't He' and the genre of this short film was a comedy. I found the film fasinating and there is a glipse of proof that it is a comedy. There were a lot of hand held shots to allow the audience to be brought in to the film and all the camera shots seemed very simple however in my opinion I did find the short film a bit silly. If I wanted to make a comedy I wouldn't do something like that because there are some people that do get affended by this. Here is the link to this short comedy film

The second short film that I watched was a Sci-Fi genre and it is called 'THE FURFANGS'. I enjoyed this film because it was entertaining. The camera shots were really good. There were some fast edits and the pace quickened when the action started to kick in. This draws suspense from the audience and makes the audience want to ind out more. One of the reasons why I like Sci-Fi is because supernatural things happen in some of them just like in this one. It is a genre where a person could really use his/her imagination to come up with something exciting. The music that is used in this short video was very well used. Everytime action took place the music became louder and faster. They also used that slow deep space music which also creates tension. This instantly reminded me of another Sci -Fi film 'Doctor Who'. Here is the link for this short film

The third short film I watched was a short documentary of the BBC called 'The Deep Blue'. The music they used was very appropriate for this documentary because they showed me the wild life of animals in the sea and seaguls and that gives the audience the sense of relaxation. The music used in this short film was very calm and slow which give the audience the a chilled out atmosphere. I thought that this short documentary was very good and the shots of the wildlife animals were exceptional. They also put the documentary in slow motion which again also gives the audience the sense of an relaxed chilled out atmosphere. There were some close ups and medium shots of the birds flying which I thought was fantastic. They also had medium shots of fishes in the deep blue see which I also found fasinating. The music being played was very calming and smooth. Here is the link to this short documentary.

I tried to look for an Urban Realist short film but I couldn't find one. But there is a film that I have watched in the past which I found really good. Although it is not a short film It is something I would like to base my short film on. The film is called KidultHood. This Urban Realist is based on teenagers my age and I thought that it is facinating how they have put stereotypes in it and they have added what some teeanagers would do during the day and night.

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