Monday 27 September 2010

The build up and proccess of making the treatment

My partner and I have made our final Treatment. We found it very difficult to make it how we would want it to be because not all of our ideas would fit into the five minute film production that we were going to make. In order to make sure that we had a short film that was five minutes, we had to make a decision to cut some parts out. My partner and I went to ask our teachers and some pupils about what would perfect our short film. We got some feedback from our Media teachers and the pupils. This helped us a lot with audience research. It helped us to develop our film in a way that will definately suit our target audience. We took their advice and made sure that we stuck to what they said but because it was us that was going to make the film, we had to make it our own idea so we changed our treatment in order to make it perfect. At first my partner and I had came up with two treatments, We both discussed that we needed to choose the better one that will be more exciting and suit our target audience. We also did some more research on short Urban Realist films to see what makes it interesting and unique. Choosing characters for our short film was fairly easy but we had to get rid of one character to make the short film easier to do and give us less hassle.

Once we chose our treatment, my partner and I still struggled with making the treatment final because we couldn't think of how to end the short film. My partner and I both went and asked our colleagues and our teachers to what would be a suitable ending for our short film production. There ideas were good so I decided that we had to make a decision out of the endings they had given us. Fortunately my partner thought of a better and able ending to do so we went with her idea.

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