Thursday 16 September 2010

What would you want my film to be based on?

Crime: 27 Nature: 7 Life about a person: 0 Pregnancy: 16

It is really important to know what the target audience would like to watch. So I thought that if I could ask 50 people of what my short film should be based on, it will give me a general idea of what to do. During my research I found out that in order for a film to be successful the audience that are watching the film must find it interesting. So I took this into consideration and asked them what they thought my short film production should be based on and these are the results I got. Crime was the highest with 27 people voting for it, 7 people voted for nature, nobody wanted to vote for a life of a person and 16 people voted for pregnancy. I found these results very intersting because crime and pregnacy all fit under the catergory of the genre urban realist. Ive also put on a graph below to give me me the percentages. As you can see from the graph more than half wanted the film to be based on crime. A lot of people thought that crime would be good because you can add stereotypes and also challenge stereotypes which is good. They also said it is interesting because there are a lot of fast movement of the actors and the camera shots and all these things builds up tension. I also asked them why they would not like to see a short film about a person's life and the response I got back was that it is very boring and nobosy really wants to know about a person's life unless he/she had a really really interesting life. Throughout these questionares I am getting more and more confident in what to do when finally make my short film. I have to make sure that I take these answers into consideration because this is what the audience want to see.

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