Thursday 4 November 2010

Media Lesson

In my previous media lesson an expert director called Tunji came in to help us with our storyboards and scripts. This was a big help because we got to explain wat our short film production was going to be about and he gave us feedback and asked us crucial questions to whether the film will be successful or not. Before the director came in my partner and I struggled hard to try and find a right ending for our film. We had a selction of endings that we were going to choose from. The ending my partner and I originally chose to do was to leave our film with a cliffhanger and have a black out however when we explained this to the director he told us that it was not appropriate for our film because although it will leave the audience with suspense the film that we are doing is not a feature length film which means that normally when they do films like to be continued or a cliffhanger they will create part 2 of that film and continue it but we are only doing a five minute short film. He told us to finish it with a proper ending. The director helped us with our script. He told us that you always have to keep the script short and sweet in order for others to read it and undrstand the story. In our script we had the camera angles and the and the type of shots that was going to be in the film however the director told us that there was no need to put all the camera angles and shots in the script otherwise it will be very difficult to read it. The problem with our story was that if everything was going to fit in, in five minutes.

When my partner and I came up with our first idea of how our film was going to be the problem was that it was too long for a fivew minute short film, so we had to make sure that we shortened the story in order for it to be five minutes. We had to change our ideas completely in order to match the limiation of the timing. As we got to storyboarding our script we found out that we did not have a proper ending to our film which made things difficult to even draw out the storyboard. Tunji was very helpful because he worked with my partner and I to strengthen our understanding of our film and helped us to come up with a strong and powerful ending. I wanted to let the message of our story be very clear to the audience and Tunji told us that in order to do that you must come up with a understanding and proper ending. Knowing the ending of our film allowed my partner and I to finish our storyboard with full understanding of our film. Before we didn't know too much about what was going on in the film because we kept changing our ideas and our script was not very clear.

When Tunji came in he looked at my script and stroryboard and he also looked at my classmates too. He thenasked us all what we would want the audience to go away thinking after the film. Before I did not think about this and I believe that this is one of the reasons why I was not able to understand my short film. He told us that it was essential to let the audience feel something after watching the film otherwise it wouldn't be a good film. He then asked us what the message of the film was. All of us had a general idea of what the message was about but it was not specific enough. After talking to him about what the message and what I would like the audience to feel after watching the film, things became much more clearer in terms of understanding my film and about filming in general.

During the lesson Tunji sat with my partner and I to restructure our script because there were certain shots that we put in our storyboards that did not match our script. Tunji told us that we needed to make our storyboards as close as possible to our scripts so that when we get filming we would know exactly what to do. He also told me that every director changes somke of the script because they think that they have a better Idea. He told me that it is natural for a director to make some changes and write on the scripts to make the scene look better so we should not get too worried about keeping everything the exact same although it will be useful to do so.

After Tunji helped us with our short film I felt very excited about making the film because it was much more clear what I had to do however I also thought that it is going to be really tough editing our film and also making it. There are a lot specific shots that has to be used in our film. Tunji told us that editing is going to be very long and hard and it depends on how many shots you have in the film

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