Sunday 24 October 2010

Editing my Storyboard

After doing my script for my short film, my partner and I had to make a storyboard, which involved us in sketching out the camera shots and angles of each scene. We had to make sure that the storyboard fits in to our script, which means that each camera angle, shot or dialogue that we put into our script had to be exactly the same as the storyboard. My partner and I had difficulties of creating the script because we did not know hw to end our short film. Not only that but we changed the story several times because we did not think that the our story would stand out. Because the the script was not to perfection we could not really do the storyboard because we did not know how the film was going to go down. My partner and I could only come up with a solid first scene which enabled us to do the sketch out the first scene on the story board. For the second scene my parter and I did a draft of what the second scene would be like on our storyboard and then we made the second scene of the script. We were not happy with or second scene because it was not flowing with the first scene, so we stayed after school together to come up with a proper solidified second scene. We spent a long time working out the dialogue of what our characters where going to say and the type of camera angls and movement we were going to have however we worked it out and we were happy with our second scene. Having changed our second scene on the script substantially, we had to make surethat we changed our storyboards because when we actually cometo shoot our short film we will need our storyboards to let us know exactly what is going to happen in the next scenes.
So far my partner and I are struggling on how to finish our scene we have typed up what is going to happen in our final scene but we are not sure if it will make a good ending. What my partner and I are thinking of is that we do not want to make our film too original, which means that we do not want something that has already been done. What we are trying to do is come up with somethin unique and facinating which will want the audience to find out more.

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