Monday 22 November 2010

Today's Media Lesson

In today's Media lesson I was supposed to be editing my film but I cannot do that because the film that I am making is not finished. Since the start of this course I have been having problems with casts. I was ment to film last week but my casts have not been available for the proccess of shooting to happen. This has affected me hugely as now I have not got a lot of time left to film. Moreover my partner has not been well for a couple of weeks now which is slowing down the proccess of filming. Since I am working with a partner I cannot film by myself. I have asked one of my teachers if I was aloud to take it into my own hands to get the film finished but they told me that you cannot do it by yourself since you have a partner. The film that I and my partner are producing has to be finished by this wednesday which is a big problem for me because I still have a long way to go. I have three scenes in the film and my partner and I have only managed to film the first scene. Yesterday i called my partner and told her that we have to start filming on Tuesday. It is crucial that we get some filming done on tuesday because we have only got till wednesday to finish it. What I am hoping to do is to finish filming everything by Tuesday so we can start editing our film on Wednesday. Editing is going to take a long time to do which is why we need to get everything done fast. It has been really frustrating for me because I always manage to have a downfall to why I cannot shoot my film. Either my casts are not available or my partner is ill. I have already filmed the first scene which is why I cannot use anybody else to cast the film.; I had a backup plan to who was going to be the cast of the film in case my original casts do not make it but I cannot use them anymore.

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