Wednesday 24 November 2010

Filming sesion #2

Yesterday my partner and I got the opportunity to do some of our filming with our casts. We decided that w were going to shoot th second scene of our film. One of our actors was runing and hour late which ment that we had to wait for an whoole hour for him Eventually our cast arrived but then our main character luric had an exam in the hall which ment that we could not shoot most of the scene. This was a very big let down because we had planned to finish the whole scene by that day and the fact that he told ushat he had an exam very late was a bit annoying for everyone however this didn't stop us from shooting the film. There were some bits where we did not need Luric so instead which filmed those bits. What made things even more difficult was that Luric got a hair cut and it is very visible to see that. If we filmed him yesterday it would hae made abig problem because the film would not have flown properly. my partner and I have alreasy done some filming with Luric so if we hd to shoot him again he would look totaly different which is why my partner and I decided that we either need to shoot the fist scene again or make a bit where he has to put on a hat in order to cover up the obvious change.

Despite all the major upsetsto us, filming went quite well. Our characters were superb in acting and we didn't really struggle while shooting. My partner and I took multiple shots of each sections of the scene so that when we come to edit the film we will ave multiple choices of which one looks or seems better. There were some things hat we had o cover up whilst shooting. My partner forgot one of the props which ment that we had to pretend that we had it. The prop was ment to be paracetamol in a plastic bag which was ment to to be disguised as drugs. However this did not bring us down as the characters played the part very well and it is not noticable that we did not have the prop.

When shooting we hd a slight problem with the camera because everytime the wind was blowing really hard the camera moved ever so slighlty which caught the attention of something that we did not need. We had to djust the camera several times and we waited till the wind stoped and then we started to film. Our teachers warned us that the camera will pick up unneccesary noices that we did not need for example the wind and because the wind was strong I was afraid that we would not hear the dialogue of the characters. There were some areas of the film where our characters forgot their lines whic ment that we had to cut and re film that area.

Overall it was a hug lose that we could not finish the second scene due to the fact that our main character Luric had an exam to go to and also that he got his hair cut but never the less we got some of our filming done. What my partner and I would have to do nw is to get Luric and Harry together so that we can shoot their bit which is only a small bit so we should be able to do that. We also have to make up a bit where Luric has to wear a hat on to cover his haircut and then the second scene will be over and done with.

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