Friday 26 November 2010

Filming session #2

My partner and I wer filming today and we manged to get everything done. One of our characters had a hair cut and also was not wearing his uniform today which ment that we had to re-shoot the whole film again. This was very frustrating for us because we had only one scene left to do. We did our first scene again which was a bit of a struggle because it was ment to be just outside a school however there was a lot of vans and buses around which got in our way of filming. We had to re-shoot the same scene at least four or five times because we wanted to do a medium shot of the main character but the big vehicle got in the way of it several times. Eventually we got the scene right and this allowed us to progress further on. Our characters were prepared to stay with us for as long as they could in order for us to get our film finished. My partner and I decided to put moe shots in the film so that when we come to edit our film again we can choose which shots we liked or did not like.

The sun was very bright today and it got in the way of our film because the screen was to bright. At one point we could not see anything and we had to wait a few minutes until the sun went down. Our casts/characters were very supportive and helped us to come up with ways to resolve the problem of the brightness. We had to reposition the camera several times in order to capture the camera angle and also to get it away from the sunlight. This took us a while to adjust but we got there in the end and we got the first scene out of the way.

In our second scene we recorded in a park that was very close to the school. It had all the resources that we needed to do our filming. All we needed was a children's area with swings and it had that. This time there was complications with the casts and we got straight to filming the scene. The only problem was the sun, but we took care of that problem by putting paper over the camera. It took us at least 30 minutes to finish the second scene. All of our casts were wearing different clothes even though we told them that we would be filming today but that did not stop us from filming. As time was running out my partner and I knew that we had to finish the film today so that we can just concentrate on editing the film. The swings in the park were frosty and there were a bit of ice around the swing seats. We had to rub all the ice of because the film would not flow properly otherwise. In our first scene the ground was pretty dry so in order for the film to flow we coulnt have ice in it. We managed to finish the second scene without any complications or problems.

For the final scene we needed to film in a house. There was a house inside the school which was very helpful because it was appropriate and available for us to use. This scene did not take as long as the others because everybody was very organised and everybody knew what to do. The only problem was that the house did not have a sofa which meant we had to film the inside of the house somewhere else. We chose to film in the year 10 room in the school because there was a sofa. We filmed a couple of shots of the scene.

During our filming the camera battery died out and this caused a lot of people to panik. Luckily i had a spare camera and we managed to finish everything on that camera. It took us a long time to get this film finished but now we have we can concentrate on editing the film.

In conclusion

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