Wednesday 1 December 2010

Editting session #2

I recently edited my film on friday with my partner. We had to upload everything that we did on the cameras because we started all over again due to some minor complications. Due to the fact that one of our camera batteries died out on us while filming we had to use another camera which meant that we had to upload our film on two seperate cameras. It took us a while to upload the filming that we had on both camera because we had our old filming on one of the cameras and we thought that we had lost our recent filming. It took us a least five to ten minutes to find the filming that we wanted and we uploaded it on the computer. When we came to edit our film we noticed that some areas of the film the camera lense was very bright and we could not see the charcters face properly in some of the medium shots that we took. My partner and I took several shots of that scene which was good because we could chose and figure out which shot was good and which shot was bad.

I expect to finish the editing of the film by next week as I am going to spend a lot of time puting the film together. I am getting the hang of editing the film i feel ver comfortable doing it. I have not had any kind of problem thus far.

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