Monday 18 October 2010

Settings, scenes and Location

I have been researching about Locations. One of the locations that my partner and I have picked for our short film is a park. From my understanding there are some parks that we would have to pay for to shoot our film and some parks are strictly prohibited from filming. I have been looking at certain parks where I think it's appropriate for shooting. The first park that I thought about was Gladstone park. I looked on their website to see if it will cost my partner and I to shoot our film there. Gladstone is a good park to shoot our film because it is very big and they have the props that we need such as a playground area for kids such as swings. For further information I called them to find out if it would be fine to film there. The response that I got back from them was that it is ok as long as their is no violence or drugs involved. They also wanted reference from our teacher that we will be filming there. In our film their is no violence in it which is very good for my partner and I. The next park that we considered was Hampstead Heath. I also looked at their website to see whether it would cost to go their and film. They have pictures of the park and in my opinion it looks like a very beautiful place to shoot our film. However if we were to shoot our film their then we will have to pay which we cannot afford to do.
I will be taking pictures of both parks to see which one of them is more appropriate for my partner and I to film at. There are times where the parks could be very busy which means we will not get the kind of atmosphere that we would want. So I will have to research into it and know what times the park will be less crowded or busy in order to shoot our film. By taking pictures of these parks, it will give me a feeling of how it would be like on the day that we will start filming. I will also need a person to come with me and so I can take a picture of him/her in the park. I will also have to think about the costumes that he/she will be wearing. I wanted to have a wider varioty of parks because of I only had two parks to film in and I was not allowed to film in either it will spoil my whole plan of trying to shoot in a park so I looked at other parks. Queens park is very good place to film because it haws all the facilities that I need to film. I will need a foot path and queens park has one unlike hampstead heath.

For my short film to work I will need a house, a park and also a school. I have decided the order of which I am going to be shooting my film. I want to start shooting my park scene and the house scene together and then the school later on. This is because the park that I want to shoot my film in is ver close to the house that I would like to film in. I need the house to be fairly middle class to portray how the family was before all their problems start. The props that I will be using will be very significant because although the family is fairly middle classed, due to the problems that they will be having, the family will seem fairly low classed. The props that I will be needing will be vodka bottles surrounding the sofa of which the mum is lying on to represent the mum’s state. This will show the development of how the family was without there problems and where they are now. I have asked my media teacher whether it would be fine if I can do my house scene in her house and it was ok for me to do that although she told me that her house is very victorian. I decided that in order to take the victorian look away from the scene I will have to rearrange some of the things that she has in her house and buy a few props to make it seem more Urban like.

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