Tuesday 5 October 2010

Location and Camera Views

For todays lesson I did research on Location and Camera views. I learnt that camera views are extremely important because different camera angles will show different parts of the landscape. My partner and I looked at the two Urban Realist films that has really inspired us, BulletBoy and Kidulthood. First of all we looked at bullet boy we observed the locations and camera shots they used. There was a particular camera shot that I found very interesting. Not only did the camera shot show the main character but you can see the landscape at the background. This camera shot is very affective. They have used a close up shot to allow the audience to see his facial expressions and what is going on in his mind. The camera shot also hs the landscape at the background. I thought that the landscape at the background signifies him being lonely because there is nobody around. The landscape is full of block of flats and trees and this gives the audience the feeling that the film is an Urban Realist film.

Secondly my partner and I looked at the camera shots and the location choices of Kidulthood. I took a screen shot of a camera shot of the main character in Kidulthood. I thought that the seting and the choice of lighting was very good. The location of which this scene was filmed was outside and as you can see this camera shot has been film at night time, however we can still see light on his right side of his face. This is th work of the camera crew to get a bit of light upon the main characters face. This is a close up of the character. A close up shot shot allows the audience to see the facial expressions of the charcters and also allows them to almost know what they are thinking at that point of time. In this screen shot the character looks very angry as we can see his face is screwed up. The darkness on his left side of his face and the light on the right side of his face also reflects on the mood that he is in.
My partner and I then discussed how we are going to position our camera at different scenes and how we are going to get the lighting affects to be affective. We also discussed about the suitable locations that we can use to set each scene foe e.g. we cannot have a middle working class family in a high class kitchen because th audience will not recognize that the family is a middle class family.

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