Wednesday 15 December 2010

Draft poster for film

This is the poster that I have made for my film. I used photoshop to design the poster because I am more used to using photoshop than I am using Microsoft Publisher. I used images from my film for the poster. I did this by opening Adobe Premier and freeze framing the bit that I would like to use for the poster and then copy and paste it on to Photoshop. I thought tht these pictures wer very effective because of the facial expressions that they make and also their posture. I took a look at feature length film posters such as aldulthood to see how they used their images. I think the images give away what is to come of the film and it also gives it an urban realist look. I did some work on the poster at home since I have Photoshop on my computer to make some improvements to it.

I created my own logo on Photoshop because if I used and existing logo for example Warner Bros then it would be copywriting. I also got the background from Photoshop. I thought this background is appropriate for poster because the film has it fair share of disfunction and problems and thi bckground seems like it defines that.

I used the layout of the Adulthood poster as the title is underneath the images. I did this to follow the code and conventions of the film since it is an Urban Realist film. I think that the font of the title is very appropriate since the main characters are fairly young. The graphitic look gives a sence to the audience that it is an Urban Realist film and the characters are going to be fairly young.

I still have more work to do on this poster as I need to add 1 more character the the poster and re arrange the size of the images so it can all fit in.

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