Wednesday 15 December 2010

Draft poster for film

This is the poster that I have made for my film. I used photoshop to design the poster because I am more used to using photoshop than I am using Microsoft Publisher. I used images from my film for the poster. I did this by opening Adobe Premier and freeze framing the bit that I would like to use for the poster and then copy and paste it on to Photoshop. I thought tht these pictures wer very effective because of the facial expressions that they make and also their posture. I took a look at feature length film posters such as aldulthood to see how they used their images. I think the images give away what is to come of the film and it also gives it an urban realist look. I did some work on the poster at home since I have Photoshop on my computer to make some improvements to it.

I created my own logo on Photoshop because if I used and existing logo for example Warner Bros then it would be copywriting. I also got the background from Photoshop. I thought this background is appropriate for poster because the film has it fair share of disfunction and problems and thi bckground seems like it defines that.

I used the layout of the Adulthood poster as the title is underneath the images. I did this to follow the code and conventions of the film since it is an Urban Realist film. I think that the font of the title is very appropriate since the main characters are fairly young. The graphitic look gives a sence to the audience that it is an Urban Realist film and the characters are going to be fairly young.

I still have more work to do on this poster as I need to add 1 more character the the poster and re arrange the size of the images so it can all fit in.

Monday 6 December 2010

Film Reviews

I have been researching on film reviews and how they are written and the type of language they use. I will be doing a film review after I have finished editing my film. I looked at a couple of film reviews on others blogs and and I looked at different links for example When I looked into someones blog they had a film review of the new Harry Potter film. This is a full feature length film. I have taken a look at Shane Meadows website because he has done a lot of 0f short films but I could not find any film reviews for the films that he had done on his website.

Sunday 5 December 2010

research on differents fonts for films

Today I have been researching on the different kind of fonts that suit the type of genre or the type film. I have been looking at this because I would need to know what kind of fonts would be suitable for my poster that I am doing at the moment. Since I have chosen an urban realist film to produce I had to make sure that my poster would be appropriate to advertise the film. I took a look at severtal urban realist films. I took a look at the fonts of bullet boy, kidulthood and This is England. Each film poster have their own unique style of selling their film. All of them have different fonts and it is well suitable for the film. I have taken some of the ideas of This is England with the image of the 5 stars on the poster and putting quotation on top of it to give it a sense that it was a viewer that watched it. I have created my own font because I did not think that any of the fonts that I looked at was appropriate for my film. For the title I used a graphitic type of style to give it a urban realist look.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Making Poster for Film

In my last media lesson I spent my time making my poster for the film the I was making. Firstly I went on google to research on the different types of posters that urban realist films have. I did ths because I too am doing an urban realist short film so I thought it would be good to look at the key codes and convention of th poster. The research I did was done in order to ive me an idea of how I should make my poster. Ichecked out a couple of urban realist film posters such as This is England, Bulletboy and Adulthood. I looked at the use of colours that was shared on the poster, the ue of imagery and I also took look at the way the page is layed out. It was very interesting to see how each of the urbn realist film posters I looked at had their own unique style to it however you could tell that it was an urban realist film. The use of props and colour that was used in these posters were very deliberate in order to give away the type of genre te film is without actually having to watch the film.To create my poster I used Photoshop because I ammore comfortable with using it. Firstly I looked at the type of fonts that these posters had so that I could try to follow the key code and conventions of the genre. I chose a font for the title before looking at the realistic posters. I learnt tht the fonts are very crucial when making the poster because it has to suit the genre of your film and what your film is about. In my film the main charcter is a teenage boy and a 12 year old boy and the type of font I chose seemed to lok very victorian which did not suit th style ofmy film or the genre. It came to my attension that I shuld have a kind of youthful graphitic look to the title and this worked out much better as i does suit the style of the film and als suit the genre.

I have not finished the poster because I only had an hour. I have made a bit of progress with itby adding the casts names and also the directors names. I will be working on the poster more so that I can get it out of the way and concentrate more on editing the film.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Research on urban realist Posters

In this poster it has all the main characters of the film. I can instantly tell it is an urban realist poster because of the type of colour they have used, the props they have and the posture of the characters. The clothing that they are wearing is what teenagers wear today. The hoodies and the skirts makes it obvious to realise that it is an urban realist. The pose and the posture of the characters are also a dead give away. We know that these are teenagers because normally adults do not screw face or frown and the way the stand is as if they run everything, like they are untouchable. The have a baseball bat on the floor which is a weapon in this film and normally it is teenagers that use this prop as a weapon.

This poster also has all the main characters in the film similarly to the adulthood poster. But this poster is fairly different of the way it is layed out and presented. The title is at the top of poster while the picture of the charcters is beneath it, however this is not the case with the adulthood poster as the picture of the character are at the top while the title of the film is at the bottom of it. It is ironic how the title of this is called this is england and they have the title in the colours of the england flag which is very clever.

Bulleboy poster is different to the two posters that I have already discussed about. This poster has a huge picture in the middle and as the title of the film on the photo however it does have the main character on the page. the layout is very different it has its writing at the left hand side of the page while the other two have there writing at the centre of the page. This poster and and teh adulthood pster seems fairly plan while the this is England poster seems like there are more things on their page

Editting session #2

I recently edited my film on friday with my partner. We had to upload everything that we did on the cameras because we started all over again due to some minor complications. Due to the fact that one of our camera batteries died out on us while filming we had to use another camera which meant that we had to upload our film on two seperate cameras. It took us a while to upload the filming that we had on both camera because we had our old filming on one of the cameras and we thought that we had lost our recent filming. It took us a least five to ten minutes to find the filming that we wanted and we uploaded it on the computer. When we came to edit our film we noticed that some areas of the film the camera lense was very bright and we could not see the charcters face properly in some of the medium shots that we took. My partner and I took several shots of that scene which was good because we could chose and figure out which shot was good and which shot was bad.

I expect to finish the editing of the film by next week as I am going to spend a lot of time puting the film together. I am getting the hang of editing the film i feel ver comfortable doing it. I have not had any kind of problem thus far.