Monday 28 February 2011

Final Poster

I have made a substantial amount of changes to my poster. As you can see in this poster the background has changed from my draft poster. I took the advice of what my teacher had to say and instead of putting a really colourful background on, I used one of my images from my 5 minute short film as the background. It is much more effective because the poster now looks more sophisticated and more professional than the last poster. In the draft poster all the images seemed like they where floating which did not look very good at all. I knew that it had to be changed in order for me to get a higher mark. I decided to change the images that I had from the draft poster and use a different one for the main image. I thought that this image is more effective because the audience can see the facial expression of Edward and almost allows them to know what he is thinking. The background image I used was of my two main characters of the film. I used my imagination to blur the background to give it more of a dysfunctional look and then add a clear image of the younger brother Edward because the story is told through his eyes. Not only was the background changed from my poster I also changed the PG ratings. On my draft poster I used an American PG rating which was bad because the film is meant to be a British film. The style of fonts I used for the institutional information is also different as I decided to follow the codes and conventions of the Kidulthood film poster. I decided that using the warner bros logo for my draft poster was not appropriate for my film as it has to be original so I came up with my own logo that I have designed from Photoshop and added it on. I am much more happier with my final poster than my draft poster as I put much more work into it and have made huge improvements to it.

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