Thursday 17 February 2011

Final Film Review

This is the final film review. I have made some changes from the last one to make it better. In the old one all I did was put the plot of the film in it. I have changed that up and I have put what really needs to be in a film review such as what the director has done with the film what he finds good and bad about it. I went to my teacher to give me advice on how to make my film review better and she gave me good advice on how to improve it and I have done so. I have also made some changes with the pictures. I have re-arranged where the pictures were before. I have also put a film rating on it to make it look more professional. Compared to my draft film review this one looks much better. For my draft film review I used Microsoft publisher to do it, which was not a good choice at all because it did not look like a proper review and also the colours I used for the review was not good. For this review I used Photo shop which turned out to be much more effective for me as this review looks more professional. I took some advice from my teachers because firstly the pictures that I used for my other poster was very much distorted. Secondly when I printed of my review for them to mark it you could see the text box and it did not look very good, so i choose to do it on Photo shop. I am much happier with this one because I put more work into it and also it looks like a proper review

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