Monday 28 February 2011

Final Poster

I have made a substantial amount of changes to my poster. As you can see in this poster the background has changed from my draft poster. I took the advice of what my teacher had to say and instead of putting a really colourful background on, I used one of my images from my 5 minute short film as the background. It is much more effective because the poster now looks more sophisticated and more professional than the last poster. In the draft poster all the images seemed like they where floating which did not look very good at all. I knew that it had to be changed in order for me to get a higher mark. I decided to change the images that I had from the draft poster and use a different one for the main image. I thought that this image is more effective because the audience can see the facial expression of Edward and almost allows them to know what he is thinking. The background image I used was of my two main characters of the film. I used my imagination to blur the background to give it more of a dysfunctional look and then add a clear image of the younger brother Edward because the story is told through his eyes. Not only was the background changed from my poster I also changed the PG ratings. On my draft poster I used an American PG rating which was bad because the film is meant to be a British film. The style of fonts I used for the institutional information is also different as I decided to follow the codes and conventions of the Kidulthood film poster. I decided that using the warner bros logo for my draft poster was not appropriate for my film as it has to be original so I came up with my own logo that I have designed from Photoshop and added it on. I am much more happier with my final poster than my draft poster as I put much more work into it and have made huge improvements to it.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Final Film Review

This is the final film review. I have made some changes from the last one to make it better. In the old one all I did was put the plot of the film in it. I have changed that up and I have put what really needs to be in a film review such as what the director has done with the film what he finds good and bad about it. I went to my teacher to give me advice on how to make my film review better and she gave me good advice on how to improve it and I have done so. I have also made some changes with the pictures. I have re-arranged where the pictures were before. I have also put a film rating on it to make it look more professional. Compared to my draft film review this one looks much better. For my draft film review I used Microsoft publisher to do it, which was not a good choice at all because it did not look like a proper review and also the colours I used for the review was not good. For this review I used Photo shop which turned out to be much more effective for me as this review looks more professional. I took some advice from my teachers because firstly the pictures that I used for my other poster was very much distorted. Secondly when I printed of my review for them to mark it you could see the text box and it did not look very good, so i choose to do it on Photo shop. I am much happier with this one because I put more work into it and also it looks like a proper review

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Working on evaluation

In this lesson I am working on my evaluation. In the evaluation I have to answer four questions and put it into a powerpoint presentation. I got advice from my teachers that the best way to do it is to put minimal text in it and make it as visual as possible, this is what will get me the top marks. In each slide I have answered each question and have put an audio in them. Part of the evaluation is that I had to put and audio where I explain what is going on in the slides. I have added some of the audio into some of the slides however there has seemes to be a problem with the microphones because it s very hard for me to hear my voice when I play back the audio. I have used the schools microphones which has not been too much help since there are a lot of background noices. My teacher has given me a microphone from her house which is a relief for me since it is better and it is much more easier for me to hear myself when I play back the audio. There also has been another problem, the microphone does not work on all computers which meant that I had to keep switching computers to see if the microphone would work on that computer.