Tuesday 4 January 2011

Research/film review

Today I worked on my review for my film. Firstly I did a little research on film reviews to get an Idea on what it looks like and what makes it a film review. I took a look at several film review examples on google. From the research that I did all the film reviews I looked at gave a brief summary of the events that happens in the film. I also realized that depending on the target audience and the market it is written for there are several different things that you should keep in mind during the writing a film review. Firstly the age group of the film. This is very important because you should always base your film review on the target audience. For example a review for a school magazine would warrant a different writing process than a magazine that is enjoyed by adults. For a children’s magazine, the review will need to be quite punchy. It should not be too long or contain material that the age group would not understand. Writing for a young audience often proves to be harder than writing for adults. With adult writing there is less need to omit images that are controversial. It is very important not to make the review more formal than it should be or less formal.

The second step I found was that there has always got to be a synopsis in the review. This gives a brief summary of what the story/film is about. Given your own opinion on how you think about the film should come at this stage too. When I started writing my review for my film I took all these points into consideration. Firstly I had to make sure that the review I was writing will suit the target audience. Since my film is an urban realist film and the main characters are teenager I thought that the appropriate age group wild be from 13-20. I Wrote the synopsis of the film first before writing my opinion on the film